Beginner Drawing and Painting WEEKDAY

Beginner Drawing and Painting WEEKDAY


8 SESSION Class - A series of weekly classes designed to train students to master foundation skills. The exercises include rendering the value scale, gradients, using a viewfinder, sight-sizing, composition, various painting techniques (under-painting, glazing and alla prima), and still-life. Students will also be given optional assignments that will expand on the material presented in class.

Two sections-

8 Mondays 7-10pm

March class

March 17th- May 5th

May class

May 12th - June 30th

Instructor: Thomas John Carlson

Class Fee: $545 Includes all Materials

( JCAS will provide the Oil Paint, Brushes, Palette, Palette knife and surfaces… All SUPPLIES)

Location: 313 3rd street, Jersey City *by enrolling you accept Jersey City Art School's Education Policy

8 - SESSION course: